Night Witch Waits for Dusk
Night Witch Waits for Dusk

Ink on paper 22”x28”


Detail - Night Witch Waits for Dusk
Detail - Night Witch Waits for Dusk


Blind Wraith Worships at the Feet of Creation
Blind Wraith Worships at the Feet of Creation

Sumi ink, Pen, Graphite, and gold leaf on paper, 28” x 36”


Blind Wraith... - Detail
Blind Wraith... - Detail



Sumi Ink, pen, watercolour, and acrylic paint on paper, 38” x 50”


Wraith of the Betrayed
Wraith of the Betrayed

Ink on paper, 22'“ x 30”


Wraith of the Betrayed - Detail
Wraith of the Betrayed - Detail



Screen print on canvas


Betrayals- Detail
Betrayals- Detail


When the Celestial Master Sleeps
When the Celestial Master Sleeps

Ink on paper 13”x18”


Endless Wandering in the Undying Lands
Endless Wandering in the Undying Lands

Sumi Ink, Pen, and gold leaf on paper, 11” x 14”


Night Witch
Night Witch

Ink on paper, 8.5x11”


Night Witch Waits for Dusk
Detail - Night Witch Waits for Dusk
Blind Wraith Worships at the Feet of Creation
Blind Wraith... - Detail
Wraith of the Betrayed
Wraith of the Betrayed - Detail
Betrayals- Detail
When the Celestial Master Sleeps
Endless Wandering in the Undying Lands
Night Witch
Night Witch Waits for Dusk

Ink on paper 22”x28”


Detail - Night Witch Waits for Dusk


Blind Wraith Worships at the Feet of Creation

Sumi ink, Pen, Graphite, and gold leaf on paper, 28” x 36”


Blind Wraith... - Detail



Sumi Ink, pen, watercolour, and acrylic paint on paper, 38” x 50”


Wraith of the Betrayed

Ink on paper, 22'“ x 30”


Wraith of the Betrayed - Detail



Screen print on canvas


Betrayals- Detail


When the Celestial Master Sleeps

Ink on paper 13”x18”


Endless Wandering in the Undying Lands

Sumi Ink, Pen, and gold leaf on paper, 11” x 14”


Night Witch

Ink on paper, 8.5x11”


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